Skilled Occupation PROFESSIONALS Profesionales de la Salud > Health Diagnostic and Promotion Professionals Occupational and Environmental Health Professionals Oficial de salud ambiental |
Salario Promedio Mensual En Dolares Por Año The average salary for an Environmental Health Officer is $ 91,378 for male employees and $ 78,162 for female employees per year. Average Age: Males: 45.5 Females: 41.9 Persons: 43.7 [See: 2513 Occupational and environmental health professionals - Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia, May 2016] |
Draft CSOL: | Confident Off List | | |
Opciones de Visa para Oficial de salud ambiental | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Visa processing times-months (75%) | Assessment Visa processing times-months (90%) | |
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Environmental Health Officer categories in Group A. To obtain a positive skills assessment form VETASSESS, applicants wishing to be assessed as a Environmental Health Officer must have a qualification minimum at the level of an Australian qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor degree.
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