• CN
  • Skilled Occupation PROFESSIONALS Education Professionals > Tertiary Education Teachers University Lecturers and Tutors University Tutor


      Conducts tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university. Registration or licensing may be required.

      Skill Level: 1


        University Demonstrator

    Average Income:
    The average salary for an University Tutor is $ 86,954 for male employees and $ 72,949 for female employees per year.
    Average Age: Males: 43.1 Females: 45.1 Persons: 44.1
    [See: 2421 University lecturers and tutors - Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia, May 2016]

    Australian visa options for University Tutor

    Employer Sponsorship
    491 Visa
    Skills in Demand
    482 SID Visa
    Skilled Occupation
    ANZSCO Code
    Assessing Authority
    189 Visa
    190 Visa
    186 Visa (DE)
    186 Visa TRT
    494 Visa
    Specialist Skills
    Core Skills
    University Tutor
    Visa processing times-months (75%)
    Business Visas
    Visa processing times-months (90%)
    187 visa - TRT stream

    University Tutor categories in Group A. To obtain a positive skills assessment form VETASSESS, applicants wishing to be assessed as a University Tutor must have a qualification minimum at the level of an Australian qualifications Framework (AQF) Bachelor degree.

    Information for Employers

    Are you seeking to employ a skilled University Tutor for your company?

    If finding qualified Australian staff has been a challenge, consider expanding your search to international candidates. Our extensive database of potential hires can help you find the perfect match.

    For more information or to get started, contact us at

    This website is in a beta testing stage and is liable to have error.
    We cannot guarantee that this information is accurate, complete or current. Please see Terms of Use

    Sponsorship options for University Tutor
    190 Visa Sponsorship
    491 Visa Sponsorship
    New South Wales (NSW) (Sydney) State Visa Sponsorship
    NSWNSW’s Subclass 190 Visa Allocation:
    2023-24: 2,650 places
    2024-25: 3,000 places

    NSWNSW’s Subclass 491 Visa Allocation:
    2023-24: 1,500 places
    2024-25: 2,000 places
    NSWNew South Wales 190 Visa

    NSW Regional areas 491 Visa
    Pathway 1 (Stream A)
    Pathway 2 (Stream B)
    Pathway 3
    Victoria State Nomination (VIC) (Melbourne)
    VICVictoria Subclass 190 Visa Allocation
    2023-24: 2,700 places
    2024-25: 3,000 places

    VICVictoria Subclass 491 Visa Allocation
    2023-24: 600 places
    2024-25: 2,000 places
    VICVictoria 190 Visa

    VICVictoria 491 Visa

    VICVictoria Graduates 190 Visa

    VICVictoria Graduates 491 Visa

    Queensland (QLD) State Visa Sponsorship (Brisbane)
    QLDQueensland’s Quota for Subclass 190 Visa
    2023-24: 900 places
    2024-25: 600 places

    QLDQueensland’s Quota for Subclass 491 Visa
    2023-24: 650 places
    2024-25: 600 places
    QLDQueensland 190 Visa - Offshore

    QLDQueensland 491 Visa - Offshore

    QLD QLDQueensland 491 Visa Small Business Owner Pathway

    Nomination by South Australia State Government (SA) (Adelaide)
    SASubclass 190 Visa Nomination Allocation for South Australia
    2023-24 Program:1,100 places
    2024-25: 3000 places

    SASubclass 491 Visa Nomination Allocation for South Australia
    2023-24 Program:1,200 places
    2024-25: 800 places
    SASouth Australia 190 Visa SASouth Australia 491 Visa
    SA SA
    Skilled Migration Western Australia State Nomination (WA) (Perth)
    WAWestern Australia's Nomination Quota for 190 Visa
    2023-24: 1,500 places
    2024-25: 3,000 places
    WAWestern Australia's Nomination Quota for 491 visa
    2023-24: 850 places
    2024-25: 2,000 places
    WAWestern Australia 190 Visa

    WAWestern Australia 491 Visa

    WAWestern Australia Graduates 190 Visa

    WAWestern Australia Graduates 491 Visa

    Northern Territory (NT) (Darwin) Government Visa Sponsorship
    NTNT’s allocation for subclass 190 visa
    2023-24: 250 places
    2024-25: 800 places

    NTNT’s allocation for subclass 491 visa
    2023-24:400 places
    2024-25: 800 places
    NTNorthern Territory 190 Visa

    NTNorthern Territory 491 Visa
    NTJob Offer Stream - For Offshore Applicants
    To be eligible for this stream, offshore applicants must have a job offer from an NT business or organization that has been operating in the NT for at least 12 months. The job offer must be for a position in the applicant's nominated occupation and must be based in the NT.

    Applicants need to have at least two years of skilled work experience in the past 5 years in their nominated occupation
    NTJob Offer Stream - For Offshore Applicants
    To be eligible for this stream, offshore applicants must have a job offer from an NT business or organization that has been operating in the NT for at least 12 months. The job offer must be for a position in the applicant's nominated occupation and must be based in the NT.

    Applicants need to have at least two years of skilled work experience in the past 5 years in their nominated occupation
    NTNT Family Stream - For Offshore Applicants
    To be eligible for this stream, applicants or their partner must have an eligible relative in the NT who is an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident, an eligible New Zealand citizen, or holds one of the eligible visas(eg 491 494 489 visas or a bridging visa granted in association with an application for a Skilled Regional Visa subclass 887 or Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) subclass 191 visa),

    Applicants must have at least two years of skilled work experience in their nominated occupation within the past five years;
    NTNT Family Stream - For Offshore Applicants
    To be eligible for this stream, applicants or their partner must have an eligible relative in the NT who is an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident, an eligible New Zealand citizen, or holds one of the eligible visas(eg 491 494 489 visas or a bridging visa granted in association with an application for a Skilled Regional Visa subclass 887 or Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) subclass 191 visa),

    Applicants must have at least two years of skilled work experience in their nominated occupation within the past five years
    NT NT
    NT NT
    Australian Capital Territory (ACT) (Canberra) Visa Sponsorship
    ACTACT’s allocation for subclass 190 visa:
    2023-24: 600 places
    2024-25: 1,000 places

    ACTACT’s allocation for subclass 491 visa:
    2023-24: 600 places
    2024-25: 800 places
    ACTCanberra 190 Visa

    ACTCanberra 491 Visa

    ACTACT Streamlined PhD nomination 190 Visa

    ACTACT Streamlined PhD nomination 491 Visa

    Tasmanian (TAS) (Hobart) Government Visa Sponsorship
    TASAllocation of Nomination Quotas for Subclass 190 Visa in Tasmania's
    2023-24 Program: 600 places
    2024-25: 2100 places

    TASAllocation of Nomination Quotas for Subclass 491 Visa in Tasmania's
    2023-24 Program:600 places
    2024-25: 760 places
    TASTasmania 190 Visa

    TASTasmania 491 Visa

    Source: DHA,,,,,,,,

    University Tutor job description, duties and education requirements


      UNIVERSITY LECTURERS AND TUTORS prepare and deliver lectures and conduct tutorials in one or more subjects within a prescribed course of study at a university and conduct research in a particular field of knowledge.

      Indicative Skill Level:

      In Australia and New Zealand:

        Most occupations in this unit group have a level of skill commensurate with a bachelor degree or higher qualification. In some instances relevant experience and/or on-the-job training may be required in addition to the formal qualification (ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

      Registration or licensing may be required.

      Tasks Include:

      • preparing and delivering lectures, and conducting tutorials, seminars and laboratory sessions
      • preparing and marking essays, assignments and examinations
      • advising students on academic and related matters
      • attending departmental and faculty meetings, conferences and seminars
      • supervising work programs of postgraduate and honours students and tutorial staff
      • participating in setting course and degree requirements, curriculum revision and academic planning
      • serving on council, senate, faculty and other committees and professorial boards
      • conducting research and undertaking consultancies in a particular field of knowledge
      • stimulating and guiding class discussions
      • compiling bibliographies of specialised materials for reading assignments


      Sources: and DIBP

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    1. Complete our FREE visa Assessment form

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    Related News

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    01/08/2021: NSW 190 Visa update: The list of New South Wales State nominated occupations for the 2021/22 program year released.

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