Skilled Occupation TECHNICIANS AND TRADES WORKERS Los técnicos de ingeniería TIC y Ciencia > Agricultural, Medical and Science Technicians Medical Technicians Técnico de teatro de operaciones |
Salario Promedio Mensual En Dolares Por Año The average salary for an Operating Theatre Technician is $ 63,197 for male employees and $ 40,871 for female employees per year. Average Age: Males: 47.0 Females: 40.4 Persons: 42.0 [See: 3112 Medical technicians - Employee Earnings and Hours, Australia, May 2016] |
Draft CSOL: | Confident Off List | | |
Opciones de Visa para Técnico de teatro de operaciones | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Visa processing times-months (75%) | Assessment Visa processing times-months (90%) | |
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Operating Theatre Technician categories in Group D.
Information for Employers Are you seeking to employ a skilled Operating Theatre Technician for your company? If finding qualified Australian staff has been a challenge, consider expanding your search to international candidates. Our extensive database of potential hires can help you find the perfect match. For more information or to get started, contact us at
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