
From 4 July 2016, Immigration South Australia will require offshore applicants for ICT occupations that appear on the State Nominated Occupation List to meet a higher points requirement on the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) points test. The minimum points requirement will initially be set at 70 points (including state nomination points). This will apply to any occupation involving a skills assessment from the Australian Computer Society (ACS).
The higher points requirement does not apply if the applicant is:- currently working in a skilled occupation in South Australia; or
- if they are applying under the international graduate of South Australia category
Source: Department of State Development, the Government of South Australia, Revised South Australian State Nominated Occupation List from 4 July 2016, Sourced on 4 June 2016, https://www.migration.sa.gov.au/news-events/news-releases/revised-south-australian-state-nominated-occupation-list-from-4-july-2016
Currently 24 ANZSCO codes are assessed by the ACS for nominated or sponsorship applicants: |